Template:Mini-course front page
Navigation Links:
This is a template that you can use to set up your own curse intro/front page. You can click the Edit tab of this page, select all, and copy/past to the frontpage you've started for your mini-course, which should be named based on your mini-course title. DO NOT ADD YOUR CONTENT IN THIS PAGE.
This course introduction/front page shows what information should be provided about each mini-course. This is only an example. Feel free to modify/adapt as you'd like. I want our mini-courses to be creative, instead of only uniformed.
Overview and Purpose
This section provides the learner with an inviting and engaging introduction to the topic of your mini-course, specifies the target learner, and gives an overview of how this course works. The importance of the topic may be demonstrated through problem scenarios, storytelling, case analysis, statistics, etc.
Feel free to name and organize this section (and other sections) in a way that is most effective for your mini-course. For example, designers from the past sometimes set this section into two parts: Introduction, Course Overview (How This Course Works).
Needs Assessment
Briefly summarize what you found out from your needs assessment regarding the learners' gaps of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that your mini-course means to address.
Performance Objectives
State the course-level objectives here. Sometimes, when the course objectives actually map onto the unit objectives, it is fine to combine the objectives with the following unit structure to state the objective(s) of each unit.
Course Units
This mini-course includes the following units. Click the title of a unit to go to its page.
Brief overview
Brief Overview
Brief Overview ...
To place the above picture, first I uploaded it using the Upload file button in left pane. Then in Edit on this page I typed File:thenameofmypicture.jpg in double brackets. For the advanced features I added after jpg the following
|thumb - puts the image in a frame and allows me to add a width for my image
|300px - using any number sets the width of the image
|left - or right sets the alignment and allows text to wrap around the other side
|any text - place after the final pipe will be added as a caption to the image
The video for adding images can be found on youtube here.
Extended Resources