Davida Paniccia's Portfolio Page




Topic: Literacy Circles and Technology

-Understanding the purpose of Literature Circles in the betterment of student knowledge.
-Allowing technology to become a useful tool in enhancing literacy for students.
-Finding unique ways to promote reading and learning from various forms of text aided by technology

Purpose: Literacy Circles advance the students reading, word comprehension, and cultural impact through reading current and past full length novels. With the current advancements in technology, students can now see the impact literacy has on society through the use of technology.

The purpose of having this lesson is to motivate educators to promote understanding through reading. This is a fun lesson to teach the benefits of reading. Adding the aspect of technology connects the idea that reading is not that distant from the fun and newly-inviting aspect of technology for kids. The educator will be able to form effect learning circles, teach the power of understanding through novels (classic and newly popular), while incorporating technology to connect with societal impacts and changes.

Needs Assessment


The large problem in many classrooms throughout the nation is that students are not motivated by reading. Often times students do not see the benefits of reading. Currently in society technology takes precedence over the supposed tedious nature of comprehension through books. The title of "literacy circle" often scares the students into thinking it is another required tortuous task ahead. Technology is an escape from reading and school like requirements. It offers avenues for all types of learners to be entertained and understand what they are doing. Therefore students often disregard reading for the easier avenue of technology and lose the meaningful skills accomplished when reading a book. Vocabulary is severely limited, problem solving and understanding skills, along with many others are diminished because of their choice not to read.

What is to be Learned

That through reading and with the aid of technology valuable skills can be learned and not lost. That through reading we expand our vocabulary and understanding and it is not a tedious task. Technology can make understanding and reading easier for all involved and a "fun" activity.

Learners will be informed how to make a literacy circle active for all types of learners. They will learn how to take their different students learning characteristics and pair them with students and situations that work for the betterment of knowledge. Learners will be able to seamlessly incorporate technology into reading and teach the necessary skills through the coupling of reading and technology.


Those learning will be the educators. They will learn through the mini-lessons provided how to conduct a literacy circle. Making the concept of literacy circles less intimidating to students. Learn how to incorporate technology into reading. Learners will be able to apply this knowledge successfully into their classroom dynamic with various types of students learners.

Instructional Context

This is an online learning format. Yet, there will be ways to practice the knowledge learned off the internet. The topic hopes to incorporate the aid of technology with the offline concept of reading. Through a series of mini-lessons, the learner will be able to watch videos, read passages and practice skills to better understand the topic.

Performance Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand what a Literature Circle is, and how Technology can influence them.
  • Identify examples of different ways to improve reading skills through the use of "book clubs" and technology
  • Execute literacy circles effectively in the classroom
  • Develop different literacy circles and explain how they are useful for the students learning in the classroom and develop deeper understanding with/without the aid of technology.0

Task Analysis

Mini-Lesson Task Analysis:
File:LiteracyCircle-Task Analysis.pdf

0== Curriculum Map ==0

Unit 1: What is a literature circle and how does it affect English and English classrooms?
Unit 1 Objective:
Learners will explore what a literature circle is. Visit different websites, read journals and watch videos in order to gather as much understanding of what a literature circle is. With a firm grasp of what a Literature Circle is then see the results of what a Literature Circle can do for your students deeper understanding of the knowledge that can be found from the written word.

Lesson 1: Understanding Literary Circles

Lesson 1 Objective:

Have an introduction of what a literacy circle is. Understand what is positive about literary circles and what they can do to help your classroom and improve reading skills for all students.

Lesson 2: Reading Comprehension effects due to these Literacy Circle

Lesson 2 Objective:

Learners will investigate results of using literature circles in classrooms. Learners will see how the results impact the students that partake in literature circles.

Unit 2:The How-To of Literature Circles and Technology
Unit 2 Objective:
Learners will be able to set up their classrooms to promote continuous reading through the process of literature circles. Also, learners will get an insight as to how technology aids in the drive to want to continue to read and learn from books.

Lesson 3: Making Literacy Circles work in your Classoom

Lesson 3 Objective:

Learners will learn how to organize their curriculum to incorporate literary circles in a way that works for them and their students

Lesson 4: Specific Technology and its positive influence on Reading and understanding through Literacy Circles

Lesson 4 Objective:

Learners will incorporate technology in their literary circles to help connect learning to the rapidly advancing technological society that the students live in and are invested in.

References and Resources

Atwell, N. (2007). The Reading Zone: How to Help Kids Become Skilled, Passionate, Habitual, Critical Readers (pp. 1-144). New York, NY: Scholastic Inc

Brown, M. D. (2013, January 23). Literature Circles Build Excitement for Books!. In Education World. Retrieved from http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr259.shtml

Coffey, G. (2012). Literacy and Technology: Integrating Technology with Small Group, Peer-led Discussions of Literature [Electronic version]. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 4(2), 395-405.

Collier, L. (2012, November). YA Literature: Where Teens Find Themselves. The Council Chronicle, 22(2), 6-9.

Dickson, Rose (Producer) (2014). Literature Circles: based on the book "Mini Lessons for Literature Circles" by Harvey Daniels and Nancy Stieneke. [Web]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1Y-HLu2Dio

Ediger, M. (2002, May 14). Literacy and Literature Circles. ERIC, 52(120), 8. Retrieved December 6, 2014.

Hicks, T., & Hawley-Turner, K. (2013, July). No Longer a Luxury: Digital Literacy Can't Wait. English Journal, 102(6), 58-65.

Larson, K. (2013, March 20). Infusing Technology into Literature Circles. In Common Core & Ed Tech. Retrieved from http://www.ccedtech.com/2013/03/infusing-technology-into-literature.html#.VIURuPnF-T8

Literature Circles (n.d.). In West Virginia Department of Education. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from https://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/LiteratureCircles.html

Marshall, J. C. (2006, June 6). The Effects of Participation in Literature Circles on Reading Comprehension. In University of Miami Scholarly Repository. Retrieved from http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1049&context=oa_dissertations

McCardle, P., Chharbra, V., & Kapinus, B. (2008). Reading Research in Action: A Teacher's Guide for Student Success (pp. 1-283). Baltimore, MD: Paul H Brookes Publishing Co.

Pierce, M. (2012, May 8). Apps and Ideas for Literature Circles on iPads. In The Journal. Retrieved from http://thejournal.com/articles/2012/05/08/apps-and-ideas-for-literature-circles-on-ipads.aspx

Roberts, M. (2013, January). Teaching Young Adult Literature. English Journal, 102(3), 121-125.

Walters, J. (2005). Virtual Circles: Using Technology to Enhance Literature Circles & Socratic Seminars. In Meridian Article. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from http://www.ncsu.edu/meridian/sum2003/circles/index.html

Wood, K. D., Pilonieta, P., & Blanton, W. E. (2009, September). Teaching Content and Skills through Integrated Literacy Circles [Electronic version]. Middle School Journal, 56-62.

Zeiger, J. (2002, March). Teacher Feature: Literature Circles. In Teachers.net. Retrieved from http://www.teachers.net/gazette/MAR02/zeiger.html

(2010). Digital Literacy Circle [Online video]. Palm Beach: YouTube. Retrieved December 7, 2014, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pFi7fJgGOA