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Once you have responded to all items of the Self-Rating Scale, complete the scoring sheet.

For each section count the number of instances for each score and insert that number in the table. For example, Section 1. Awareness has 12 items. The survey respondent responded with 5 3 times. The number 3 would be inserted in Column A, Row 2. The survey respondent responded with 4 6 times. The number 6 would then be inserted in Column B, Row 2. The respondent would continue until Columns A through E are completed. The respondent would then multiply Row 1 by Row 2 for each column. The result would be entered into Row 3 for the respective column. The final step is to add the Row 3 and enter the total score into Column F, Row 3. This process is repeated for each section.

Please click on the following link to download a pdf version of the scoring sheet Media:SRSSDL_Scoring_Sheet.pdf

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