Unit One: The purpose of increasing use of the Target Language in language classrooms
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After completing Unit 1, you will:
- Define Comprehensible Input
- Understand the purpose for maximizing use of the TL.

The starter is meant to be reflective but you may want to start off with paper and pen or pencil for note taking purposes.
- Reflect on your classes, specifically the amount of time you and your students are engaged in the TL.
- Ask yourself; What percentage of time is spent engaged in the TL?
- What do you know about Maximizing use of the TL?

The learning activities for this unit include readings, video, and a prezi presentation, followed by an assessment. You may wish to copy down the learning objectives for the unit and take notes as you proceed throught the activities. At the conclusion of each activity, simply click on the back arrow at the browser to return to the unit page until you have completed the unit.

Upon completion of each reading, click the back arrow at the browser to return to the lesson.
Research, Standards and Teaching in the L2: Toward a Principled Perspective (L2 Learning through the years)
Position Statement on Use of the Target Language in the Classroom
NYSAFLT Position Statement
Strategies to Help Keep You in the TL (C. Dean ED.D Summer Institute-power point)

Upon completion of the video, click the back arrow at the browser to return to the lesson.
Comprehensible Input: Teaching a Foreign Language
MLPSI-Teaching Through TL (Why)

Prezi Presentation
Upon completion of the presentation, click the back arrow at the browser to return to the lesson.
Staying in the Target Language in World Language Classrooms: Why? How?

Please answer the following questions on paper:
- Define Comprehensible Input
- List five (5) reasons why teachers should strive for the 90% goal of maximizing use of the TL in language classrooms.

Please continue on to Unit 2 Unit One | Unit Two | Unit Three | Unit Four