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Unit 1: PLC Characteristics


Go to: Jackie's Mini-Course: Developing a PLC | Jackie Russell's Portfolio Page | Jackie Russell's Main Page

Go to: Unit 2: PLC Process


In this unit we will explore the defining characteristics of a Professional Learning Community (PLC). Additionally, we will determine the various ways PLCs impact student learning and collaborative efforts among professionals. By the end of this unit, we will consider the advantages a PLC has over traditional views on improving student learning.


  • Learners will identify defining characteristics of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) through viewing and reading related content.
  • Learners will describe potential benefits and challenges they potentially anticipate for their own implementation by evaluating the reflection of PLC participants.
  • Learners will examine their current work culture and environment by completing a survey.


Watch the video below paying close attention to the 3 Big ideas of a PLC:


Before we go any further, you may wish to know why developing a PLC is so important for your school and, especially, your students.



While reading the article keep the following questions in mind:

-What is a PLC?

-What are the roles of teachers, administrators, and supportive positions in a PLC?

-What resources are needed to implement a PLC?

-Why are teachers choosing to develop PLCs?

-What are the benefits of developing and sustaining a PLC?

-What are some potential challenges of PLC adoption?



Reflecting upon what you've learned about the defining characteristics of a PLC, What benefits and challenges involved with PLC implementation resonated with you most?


Watch the video below that gathers feedback from other educators/PLC participants. Begin to envision how you and your team would respond after implementing your very own PLC.



What benefits and challenges do you anticipate your team will encounter through PLC implementation? Visualization is important in building confidence to enable people to venture on to bigger and better! Discuss Anticipated Benefits and Challenges of PLC Implementation here!

Now that you have an idea of all that a PLC has to offer you, please complete the following survey to highlight your current work culture and environment.


Now move on to: Unit 2: PLC Process

Go to: Unit 3: Pathways to Adoption