Importance of Music
In this lesson you will have the opprotunity to formulate your own ideas on the importance of music and its effects on your life.
Music is everywhere. Music is in movies, commercials, the radio, weddings, funerals and other celebrations experienced by peoples all over the planet. Music can encourage the expression of multiple emotions. It is a very strong force. Music can have a calming, soothing, excitatory, or stimulatory effect. It can induce thoughts and feelings that might not be established by any other means. Plato once said “Music is a more potent instrument than any other for education, and children should be taught music before anything else.” Music education is crucial to the development of our youth, as it triumphs over barriers and unites all humans together. Music in itself serves as a highly developed language that many deem “The Universal Language.” Societies around the world have a foundation in music that spans thousands of years. Music provides fundamental principles in the arts, dance and theater which lead to a better foundation of self expression. Theorists, such as Howard Gardner, and his theory on Multiple Intelligences give us a clear understanding of how music is important to human development.
Involvement in music provides an aesthetic experience for the learner. Self-confidence, self expression, creativity and discipline can be attained through solo and ensemble situations, in addition to general music education principles. Through this growth in music, students will see an increase in performance and productivity in other core subjects as well. A study of college bound students found that “Students with coursework/experience in music performance and music appreciation scored higher on the SAT: students in music performance scored 57 points higher on the verbal and 41 points higher on the math, and students in music appreciation scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on the math, than did students with no arts participation.” This study supports my vision that music creates a ripple effect that extends far beyond music itself.
Music does not discriminate. Every man, woman and child should have ample opportunity to be exposed and to participate in all that music has to offer. Every human should have performing opportunities both group and solo, as well as non-performing opportunities readily available. Music should be required in all elementary and secondary institutions due to the extraordinary effect it has on development. Once in the post secondary setting, students should have higher level opportunities accessible so they can attain the fulfillment of their musical journey. All members of our society should be able to read, notate, experience, and possess a knowledgeable understanding of music and how it relates to other cultures, art forms, and life itself.
Where do you hear music?
Music is all around us. As a class, we will compile a list of places that you hear music. Click edit, and lets see how many we as a class can come up with!
Here are a few to get started:
Music Recital
Why Music? Video
Please watch the following video.
Discussion: Video Followup - Your View?
Why is music important to you? What effect has music had on your life?
Using the discussion link at the top of the page, post your response. You will also be required to comment on two of your follow classmates postings. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers. Music effects us all in different ways.
The National Association for Music Education
Next Lesson: The_Staff