Daniel Hacker's Portfolio


Purpose of Project

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Introduction to Music Theory Mini-Course

The purpose of this mini-course is to provide a basic introduction to the concepts and terms of Music and Music Theory. It is intended for students with no formal background in music theory. This course will lead to and understating of the fundamental elements of musicianship that include musical notation, pitch, meter and rhythm. The ultimate intent of this course is to develop the learners ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic fundamentals of music theory.

Topics that will be covered:

  • Recognizing the Music Staff
  • Treble Clef, Bass Cell and Grand Staff
  • Time Signatures

Needs Assessment

1. Problem: Throughout the world, music is a part of every day life. Many members of our society lack any formal training when it comes to music theory and how music works. A basic understanding of how music works can be a benefit ones enjoyment and in experiences of music. Although no one needs to learn theory to enjoy music, if one understands what they are hearing, they will have a vastly different musical experience then those who have no knowledge in the fundamentals of music.

2. What is to be learned: Learners will become proficient in the basic ideas of music theory. The students will have the opportunity to gain knowledge to take their enjoyment to the next level.

3. The Learners: The learners will vary in age from young adult to adult and have no prior knowledge/training in music theory.

4. Instructional Context: All activities in this course will be performed online and by the individual.

5. Exploring the problem and solution: Learners will be given the opportunity to learn, experiment, and reflect on their newly acquired knowledge of music theory.

6. Goals: To bring awareness of the value of music theory and its benefits that will lead to a better understanding of the musical universe that we live in.

Performance Objectives

  • The learner will develop a basic understanding of a musical notation system, building a theoretical foundation and understanding of music theory.
  • The learner will identify and differentiate between the Treble and Bass Clefs.
  • The learner will demonstrate fundamental concepts of music (staff, clefs, pitch, etc.)
  • The learner will demonstrate musical notation.
  • The learner will understand and demonstrate simple meter.

Task Analysis

Prerequisites: Capabilities that will enhance ones knowledge of music and how it is constructed through understanding of Music Theory.

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Identify the structural components of the treble and bass clefs (clefs, notes, etc.).
  • Identify and describe basic music vocabulary (staff, ledger line, pitch, etc.).
  • Identify and demonstrate simple meter.

Prerequisite Skills

Essential Prerequisites

  • Be comfortable learning online.
  • Be familiar with the internet.
  • Know how to download, save and upload documents.
  • Have a passion for music.

Supportive Prerequisites

These capabilities will make learning more effective:

  • Desire to heighten their understanding of music.
  • Values the effect that music has on our life, and seeks to better understand music theory.
  • Recognize that music plays a predominant role in everyday life.

Curriculum Map


Course Outline

File:Course description music theory.pdf