

Catherine Campbell's Portfolio Page

My name is Catherine Campbell. I currently teach Special Education at a public high school on Long Island. I am starting my third year teaching in this school. I will be teaching inclusion Geometry, self-contained Algebra, and Career Exploration.

I am currently enrolled in Systematic Design of Instruction for the Fall 2014 semester.



Which One?!

Are your students prepared for life after high school?

By working through this course:

  • You will be knowledgeable about The Theory of Multiple Intelligence.
  • After completing a Multiple Intelligence assessment, you will be able to research careers based on your strengths.
  • You will be able to use interest inventory assessments to guide students to learn about various careers.
  • You will be able to help students set up a resume.

Needs Assessment

1. Instructional Problem:

Students are often not aware of the opportunities available to them after high school. Students do not always explore all of their options, leaving them few choices about life after high school. Students should be presented with options and create plans to best reach their goals.

Too often students choose a path to take that is familiar to them without exploring all of their options. Students should individually decide their strengths and weaknesses in order to decide what path is the best for them. Once decided upon students should develop a plan of action to reach their goal. Each path will often require students to develop resumes or letters of reference. Students need guidance and feedback on where to start and what to include. A resume is an important document for students to work on.

2. What is to be Learned:

Educators will learned how to guide students through the research and investigation process. By using the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, students' strengths and weaknesses, and student interests, teachers can help students to narrow down their options for after high school. Educators will be students develop a plan that is a best fit for them. Once the plan has been created, educators will learn how to teach students to develop a working resume.

3. The Learners:

Learners will include current educators teaching in the high school environment. These educators may include General and Special Education teachers who are looking to help prepare students for their next step. Learners will have some familiarity with technology and the internet. Lessons will be geared towards lessons that educators can use within their own classrooms. Learner Analysis

Learners within this course include educators teaching high school students. Participants will have varying roles in the futures of their students depending on subject, content area, teacher advocate, etc.

4. Context for Instruction:

Participants will learn within this mini-course, online. Participants will need access to a computer with working internet in order to complete this course. Resources will vary based on the unit but may include, readings, videos, documents, etc.

5. Exploring the Instructional Problem and Solution:

Participants will navigate through the sections of this course to introduce them issues that arise when students enter their senior year of high school, to develop a plan of action for students, and to guide students to create documents necessary for life after high school. Instead of allowing students to choose any plan of action, educators can systematically help students create their own individualized plan.

Let's Make A Plan

6. Goals of this Mini-Course: The goal of thus mini-course is to help educators to learn about how to best assist students to prepare for life after high school. Students need to be aware of their options, develop a plan, and execute that plan. One goal is for educators to be aware of ways to assist students in creating their own individual goals for after high school. Another goal is to support students’ goals by helping them develop an action plan. Lastly, educators will be able to help students to create a resume that will be beneficial to them in the future.

Analysis of the Learner and Context

Students will be prepared for life after high school.

Unit 1: Students will be able to understand themselves, including their learning styles.

Unit 2: Students will be able to create documents outlining their strengths.

Performance Objectives

  • Educators will be able to identify their own type(s) of Multiple Intelligence by using one of the MI assessments.
  • Educators will be able to navigate their way through an interest inventory.
  • Educators will be able to recognize the importance of creating a resume.
  • Educators will be able to assist students when creating their own resumes.

Task Analysis

Please click the following link for Unit 1: File:ETAP 623 Unit 1A.pdf

Please click the following link for Unit 2: File:ETAP 623 Unit 3A.pdf

Curriculum Map

Please click the following link for the Curriculum Map

File:Etap 623A.pdf

References and Resources