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Unit 3: What's next? What can they do with a GED?


3.1 Learning Objectives

At the end of this lesson you should be able to

  • have complete knowledge of what students can accomplish with their GED

3.2 Introduction

In this unit we will fully discuss the next steps and options our students will have after they successfully obtain their GED diploma. The purpose of this unit and learning about the opportunities our students will have access too, is to motivate them and to allow them to see what will be in store after they work towards successfully completing this goal.

3.3 What opportunities can a GED diploma give you?

Students who obtain their GED have a great amount of options to choose from on how they'd like to proceed.

We can help to assist students in the after process, by helping them to map out a 2 year plan after they receive their diploma.

3.4 GED Informational Brochure Creation pt. 4

  1. I'd like you to design your last page as followed
    1. List 4 things that our students can do/accomplish after receiving their GED diploma
    2. Provide a 2 year plan example
    3. List school contact information/your contact information

3.5 Unit 3 Reflection Task

Now that we have reached the end of our mini course list 5 of the most important takeaways you took from this course. List 3 effective strategies you will use to ensure that students who are interested in the GED route receive proper information and succeed.

Please submit your reflection here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLgNMJ5mMVGSKkG7-45q3pHYSIul4s1so-T2IcVsRks/edit