Unit 3: Incorporating Skills into My Teaching


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REMEMBER! Digital Journal

You will need your Digital Journal throughout this course. If you haven't done so already, go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/105e0G10fSgBYNwYkvZW017eSyLdHaoCX7sY4LJLDjQk/edit?usp=sharing and access the document, and save it as an editable document on your device.

Lesson 1: News Literacy in the Content Areas

CHECK-IN: Self-Reflection

In your digital journal, respond to the following question,

  • What concerns or doubts do you have about teaching news literacy skills in the classroom?
  • How can you overcome these?
    • Is there someone you can ask?
    • Is there a resource you can use?
      • *Note: Don’t forget about this course’s extended resource section!

READ: Introduction

            So far in this course, you have learned about what news literacy is, and a major resource for teaching news literacy skills (the NAMLE questions). There are many other resources out there. The remainder of this lesson is a curated list of resources in each of the four core content areas: Social Studies/History, Mathematics, Science, and English/Language Arts. These resources feature free lesson plans or videos you can use as part of a lesson plan to help teach news literacy skills. Some of these resources require you to create free accounts to access the content while some are more freely accessible. While these resources were deemed credible and useful for this course, use your own judgment when deciding what to sign up for. Please note that there are some resources that did not fit into these categories, but are resources for curriculum planning, and can be found in the extended resources section.

EXPLORE: Science

  1. Explore this set of resources, offered by COR (Civic Online Reasoning), which was developed by the Stanford History Education Group.
  2. Watch this short video that discusses how students can spot bad science reporting that can be found here.

EXPLORE: Social Studies/History

  1. Explore this second set of resources, this time targeted for the history classroom, also offered by COR.
  2. Explore these lesson plans discussing First Amendment rights called “Making Historical Connections”, authored by NewseumED.org which is a project of the Freedom Forum Institute.

EXPLORE: English Language Arts

Explore these lesson plans:

  1. Analyzing How Words Communicate Bias”, authored by Learning for Justice (a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center)
  2. E.S.C.A.P.E. Junk News”, authored by NewseumED.org (a project of the Freedom Forum Institute)
  3. Choosing Reliable Sources”, authored by Learning for Justice (a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center)

WATCH: Mathematics

Part of a larger series that is featured in the Extended Resources, this particular video is great to show students how to evaluate evidence (and how it is being presented).  

PLAY: Putting it All Together Through Gaming

Here is a game students can play that pull from all the subject areas to practice news literacy skills.

A game students can play that helps them understand news bias in reporting can be found here.

ASSESSMENT: Jamboard Jamboree

Now that you’ve seen some news literacy skills applied in the content area curriculums, add at least 2 sticky notes to this Jamboard Session.

Lesson 2: Culminating Project

CHECK-IN: Self-Reflection

In your digital journal, respond to the following prompt,

How have my attitudes and beliefs toward teaching news literacy skills changed from the beginning of this course to the end?

CREATE: Lesson Plan

Now that you have gone through this unit, it is time to put your skills to the test.  Design a lesson plan that features some aspect of news literacy skills. You may download and use this lesson plan template or use your own format.

DO: Teach

Teach your lesson to a group of students. This may be a small group of students or a full class; how you implement your lesson is up to you.

ASSESSMENT: Final Reflection

In your Digital Journal, reflect on your teaching experience in your digital journal using the following prompts:

  • How did I feel teaching this lesson? Confident? Unprepared?
  • After evaluating the lesson’s assessment, what does the data show? Do students need more prior knowledge before learning this concept?
  • Knowing that data isn’t everything, how do I feel the lesson went- did students understand the concept I was trying to teach?
  • What did I like about this lesson? What would I keep if I were to teach it again?
  • What could have gone better? What would I change if I were to teach it again?