Unit 2: Planning for Instruction
Planning for instruction is taxing without having to consider the multi academic levels of all students. I've spent countless hours wondering if my instruction was enough for students to grasp the concept. However, taking the sep to first understand where your students are at with their language proficiency, will facilitate instructional planning.
Video: World-Readiness Standards for Language Learners
Identifying Students' Proficiency Level
Proficiency-Based Performance Tests
There are many tools provided by ACTFL to aid teachers assess students. The goal is to gain a baseline of where students are in the proficiency scale.
ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview
ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test
ACTFL Assessment of Performance Toward Proficiency in Languages
Return to Unit 1: Defining Language Fluency
Continue to Unit 3: Bilingual/Multilingual Students in the Classroom