Talk:Caelynn's Portfolio Page
May 11
I have reviewed your portfolio page once more. You might want to add in "major design rationale for using certain learning methods and media" and explain why the "instructional sequencing" is designed the way it is.
I was looking over the evaluation criteria and realized that the design portfolio is 20% of the project grade, so we better get it right! I have to do some more work on mine also.
April 27
I'm glad I came back tp look at your portfolio page, you've done some more work on it.
It looks like you have a clear idea of where you are going with the course and have considered all the necessary pieces.
P.S. I usually put most recent postings at the top of these messages and date them -- makes it easier to track what's new and when it was new for me.
April 16
Hi! I am your assigned partner in crime for the project from hereon. I have been out of sync for the past week because of a death in the family, so I apologize for not contacting you sooner. I haven't had a chance to closely review your plans yet, but will do so in the next day or so.
One thing you need to do is to create a link on the Main Page to your course. Your course will go on a separate page than your portfolio -- yes, all these pages gets confusing, but you need to create another one. If you go to the bottom of the Main Page, you will see a listing for all of us with links to our course pages. Just edit the page and add yours to the list and title it whatever you are going to call your course -- the page will be created when you click on the link for the course. I am already on the list so if you want to see how I set mine up you can -- or anyone else's who has done this already.
There isn't much to see on my portfolio page or my course page right now. I have been building bits and pieces offline and need to consolidate this week and get it all posted. I put a watch on your page so I get an email when you make changes and will put a watch on your course page also when you get it made.
You can put a watch on my pages if you want to know when I make changes.
My external email is if you want to contact me that way.
Let's hope all goes well from here! Looking forward to seeing your course.