Sample Student's Portfolio Page


This is a template for the ID portfolio page, where you will document your instructional design work in progress during this semester. This template is used to organize your own portfolio page. See the video guide on how this project works and how to set up your ID portfolio page: Zoom Video If you need to see examples, see Gërt Arnold Portfolio Page; Sarah Stolberg's Portfolio Page.

Navigation links: ETAP 623 Fall 2024 | Link to my mini-course front page

About Me

(By the end of Mod 3) Fill out this section with a few words about your professional and personal background. Feel free to add a photo. Do not disclose any sensitive personal information.

My Topic and Purpose

(MOD 4) Flesh out a paragraph here to describe 1) what your mini-course is about, and 2) why you choose this topic.

Scope of Learning Outcomes and Content

(MOD 4) Add text here to analyze what types of knowledge/skills/attitude your mini-course means to develope. (This description will set a general direction and scope for your project. More detailed learning objectives and lesson topics will be defined later as part of Performance-Based Objectives and Task/Content Analysis.)

Needs Assessment

(MOD 5) Report findings from your needs analysis to clarify the gap of knowledge/skills that exists related to your mini-course topic. See the chapter of Shambaugh & Magliaro (1997) Needs Assessment provided in Mod 5. You may use a literature review or/and survey to inform your analysis of the current reality, the "ideal," and the gap in between.

You may use the following subheadings to organize your report in this section (feel free to adjust as you need).

  • The educational problem or opportunity
  • The learners/participants involved (be brief here; more detailed analysis to be added in the following section)
  • Analysis of gaps in term of know vs. need to know (reality vs. ideal)
  • Existing efforts to address this gap
  • Intent statement: how will this mini-course help your participants address their needs?

Analysis of the Learner and Context

(MOD 5) Write here your more detailed analysis of your learner and the context in which they will learn using this mini-course. Who are the participants (learners)? Prior personal/cultural experiences, knowledge and skills, or interests they have? In what settings will they use this mini-course to learn? How much time will they spend? What resources will they need?

Performance-Based Objectives

(MOD 6) Define course-level target objective (not the learning units yet). The objectives need to describe what the learner will be able to perform/do as the result of learning with this course. Consider the important learning gains and consider how the participants may demonstrate it or use it to do something authentic. Communicate the objectives using clear, performance-based terms, such as:

After completing this mini-course, learners will be able to:

  • ...

Task and Content Analysis

(MOD 7-8) For each course-level target objective, consider 1) what the participants need to know in order to achieve this objective (e.g. the prerequisites that enable or support the objective); 2) what specific learning content and activities may address the prerequisites and target objectives. Then consider how the learning contents and activities will be organized into a process of learning through several learning units (e.g. 3-5). See example Task Analysis).

Curriculum Map

(MOD 7-8) Upload a visual map to show the sequence of learning units, each with its own objectives and activities. The units should work coherently to support the achievement of the ultimate objectives of the whole mini-course. Use this map to guide the creation of the actual learning units while adapting it when needed. The key idea is to fine-tune the objective-content/process-assessment alignment.

Replace this photo with your map image

  • Insert image: In the Edit tab, click Insert, select Images and Media, search or upload an image, set options under Advanced tab as needed

References and Resources

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