Diane Hamilton


Go to my project planning pages entitled Diane Hamilton's Portfolio Page

Go to my course entitled Developing Phonemic Awareness in Kindergarten Children

The following is a test run only at this point and has nothing to do with my Design Project.

Link to survey at survey monkey http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=GzlzwqJFqtwD_2bmoZehCS8w_3d_3d

Link to UAlbany

Here is a doc file File:Week 8 Reading Notes.doc

Here is a pdf file

Here is a movie/audio spot


Living Things

  • Animals
    • Amphibians
    • Birds
      • cardinal
      • chicadee
      • nuthatch
    • Fish
    • Mammals
    • Reptiles

  • Plants
    • Fungi
    • Mosses
    • Flowering
    • Deciduous Trees
    • Coniferous Trees

Non-Living Things

  1. Rocks
    1. Igneous
    2. Metamorphic
    3. Sedimentary
  2. Minerals