Unit 2: How to Teach Using a 3-Dimensional Model of Instruction
NAVIGATE TO: Mini-Course Portfolio | ETAP 623 Fall 2017 Section 7619 Lexie's Mini-Course
Unit 2 Introduction
The purpose of this unit is to familiarize you with a teaching model that allows for 3-dimensional instruction, and to allow you the opportunity to re-sequence a current unit you teach according to this model. Upon reflection of this model, you may find that a different model will suit your style better, so you will research an alternative model that could also be used in your classroom. To foster this learning, you will analyze the 5E instructional model a number of ways, allowing you to see it from multiple perspectives. Re-sequencing your lessons will allow you the practice how the units should be ordered, and reflecting on alternative styles will open new opportunities for both you and your classmates.
Unit 2 Objectives
Objective 1: Analyze the 5E model for instruction.
Objective 2: Re-sequence a set of lessons so that they fit more appropriately into the 5E model.
Objective 3: Describe an alternative teaching method that would fit in with the NGSS.
- Watch a video introducing the 5E model for instruction.
- Analyze the 5E model.
- Read an article about the 5E model.
- Create a more effective sequence of lessons to implement when using the 5E model to address the NGSS and discuss your findings.
- Research another teaching model that would fit with the 3-dimensional model for learning.
Analyze the 5E Model
The purpose of this section is to give you information about the 5E model through multiple modes. Watch the video, observe the graphic organizer and read the article, all explaining what the 5E model is. Visit the BSCS website to further investigate the 5E model. Objective 1
Sequence Your Lessons
The purpose of the following activity is to give you a chance to take the 5E model into your own hands, and practice seeing how it would work in your classroom. Objective 2
- Pick a unit that you currently teach and write down the sequence of what you teach and when, during that unit. Analyze the order that you teach the unit in, and consider if this order would continue to work while implementing the 5E model. Think about what would have to change about the order that you teach your unit in.
- Create a new sequence of instruction that would work better in a classroom implementing the 5E model. (Complete both steps 1 and 2 in a journal or a planbook to keep.)
- Discuss your findings in the discussion post on Google Classroom titled "Re-sequencing of Lessons". Read the small print instructions before beginning.
The purpose of this activity is to discover other teaching methods that would also work well in a classroom providing 3-dimensional instruction. Providing instruction 3 dimensionally is not done solely through the implementation of the 5E teaching model. For some, they may not feel completely comfortable with the 5E model, or it simply might not work that well for them. For this assignment, research other teaching methods that a person in this situation (maybe you!) could use to make sure that instruction is being both taught and learned 3-dimensionally. Objective 3
- Research another teaching model that you think would also work in a classroom implementing 3-dimensional learning.
- Find the assignment in Google Classroom titled "Alternative Teaching Models". Instructions are provided in the assignment.
- Please attach your response in Google Classroom and click "Turn In" when completed.
Ready to Continue?
Unit 3: How to Create a 3-Dimensional Unit
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Unit 1: "How and What": 3-Dimensional
“BSCS 5E Instructional Model.” BSCS 5E Instructional Model, BSCS Curriculum Study, 18 Jan. 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is7a3nkoe-g.
The 5E Model of Instruction. CSCOPE, borderlandsnarratives.utep.edu/images/5E_Model_of_Instruction_CSCOPE_072002_1_1.pdf.
Erickson, Kristen, and Shannon Verstynen. “The 5E Instructional Model.” The 5E Instructional Model. NASA EClips, nasaeclips.arc.nasa.gov/teachertoolbox/the5e.
“Home | BSCS.” Home | BSCS, bscs.org/.