Lesson 3- Read/Write

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Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to

- Understand unique characteristics of the Read/Write learning style.

- Demonstrate knowledge of supporting material for Read/Write learning style.

- Identify study strategies that are helpful.

- Develop study strategies that are more effective for Read/Write learners.

- Analyze the use of multimedia formats from various media that support this learning style.

Warm-up discussion posted in discussion forum! Complete before moving on...

Read/write learners learn, as you have probably guessed, primarily by reading and writing. This type of learner is someone who needs to read and/or write down the information to learn it.

Characteristics of the Read/Write Learning Style

There are many specific characteristics of read/write learners including:

  • enjoy reading in their free time
  • write very detailed notes
  • do well with multiple choice and essay tests
  • learn best by reading and rereading the textbook or their notes, writing and rewriting their notes
  • organizing items into lists
  • prefer writing essays to oral presentations
  • may articulate themselves better when writing rather than talking

Strategies for Read/Write Learners

There are a few strategies you can use to enhance yours, or your students, read/write learning skills:  

Characteristics and learning tips for read/write learners.
  • write out words/notes again and again
  • re-read your notes repeatedly
  • use handouts
  • read websites and books
  • re-write important ideas and information into your own words
  • use titles and headings that clearly explain what follows
  • order things into priorities of importance, or categories
  • organize any diagrams, graphs … into statements
  • find and read supplementary information on what you’re learning about







Continue to Lesson 4- Kinesthetic to learn about the Kinesthetic Learning style.