Sarah Olsen's Portfolio Page


Navigation links: ETAP 623 Fall 2023 | Fostering Success for Multi-Language Learners

About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Olsen. I graduated from St. John Fisher University in May 2022 with a degree in Inclusive Childhood Education with a concentration in English Literature. I currently am licensed in both New York and Massachusetts to teach grades 1-6 general education and special education. I am teaching 5th grade ELA/Literacy in a middle school in Chelsea, Massachusetts, beginning my second year there. I am currently in my first year of Curriculum Development and Instructional Technology.

When I am not at school or working on my graduate classes, I love to play with my cat Bruno, read, do paint-by-numbers, and explore the city of Boston by taking long walks!

My Topic and Purpose

The topic that I chose for my mini-course is reading and writing strategies for Multi-Language Learners (MLLs). I am currently working in a middle school where the majority of my students speak a language other than English at home. I have noticed during my time there a lack of understanding among teachers of how exactly to approach instruction for MLLs, focusing primarily on those who have transitioned out of a foundational class (meaning that their level of English is considered "good enough" to be integrated in with native English speakers). I think this is a very important topic for all teachers to learn about, even if they currently do not teach any MLLs, because in our post-Covid era, I believe that students of all backgrounds are experiencing more anxiety surrounding reading in school. Although my course will center around MLLs, I believe that most of the strategies will be accessible for all students, not just MLLs.

Scope of Learning Outcomes and Content

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Understand how MLLs are integrated into classrooms.
  • Integrate strategies into their classrooms to build the confidence of MLLs.
  • Provide quality reading and writing instruction to MLLs.
  • Integrate MLLs' native languages into daily instruction.

Needs Assessment

  • The educational problem or opportunity

The educational problem of this mini-course is the fact that many general educators are not well-educated on MLL supports. Oftentimes, this falls onto the MLL teachers and the general education teachers do not always know the best ways to help MLLs. Some teachers may even feel lost when attempting to teach an MLL because they really do not know where to begin. Although the MLL teachers are a wonderful support, it is important that general classroom teachers know the best ways to help all their students succeed.

  • The learners/participants involved (be brief here; more detailed analysis to be added in the following section)

The learners who will benefit from this mini-course include all levels of educators/school personnel. General education classroom teachers, special educators, paraprofessionals, and any other school support staff. Any educator or school personnel who is interacting with MLLs could benefit from this course.

  • Analysis of gaps in terms of knowing vs. the need to know (reality vs. ideal)

There are many misconceptions when it comes to the best ways to support MLLs, as well as lots of confusion. A lot of the time, general education teachers do not receive adequate training on how to best support their MLLs. Some strategies seem self-explanatory, but certain can actually be damaging or harmful if used incorrectly. The ideal, of course, is that all educators of all kinds receive proper training and instruction on the best strategies for MLLs. The hope is that, with this course, general educators will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the best strategies for MLLs in their classrooms. MLL educators are a huge existing effort to address this gap. There are, of course, professional development sessions and other resources, however, MLL educators are definitely the biggest effort at attempting to address this gap in instruction.

  • Intent statement: how will this mini-course help your participants address their needs?

This mini-course will help participants expand their toolboxes of strategies to help MLLs succeed in their classroom. It will allow participants to understand what forms of support MLLs need, and how to effectively implement those supports in different ways. Different students will, of course, need different levels of support. The goal of this mini-course is to help all educators build a strong foundational understanding of what MLLs need, as well as access to strategies to encourage growth among MLLs.

Analysis of the Learner and Context

The participants of this course include all educators and school personnel, primarily in schools with a large MLL population. Any prior knowledge or skills working with MLLs will of course be useful but is not necessary. This mini-course could be used district-wide in districts with a large MLL population or could be completed individually. Participants will spend approximately an hour per module, and all that will be needed include their computer, and any form of note taking supplies if desired.

Performance-Based Objectives

After completing this mini-course, learners will be able to:

  • Implement strategies in their own classrooms to support their MLLs.
  • Have a complete “teacher toolbox” of strategies to use and share with colleagues.
  • Improve their MLLs’ reading and writing development in English using bilingual resources.
  • Provide coping strategies for MLLs with learning anxiety.
  • Advocate for their MLL students in regard to their inclusion with native English speakers.

Task and Content Analysis

Before taking this course, the learner:

  1. should have basic knowledge of computer usage and Google apps (pre-requisite)
  2. should have a background in and have a basic understanding of teaching Multi-Language Learners (pre-requisite)
  3. should have access to lesson plans that will be taught to Multi-Language Learners (pre-requisite)

Unit 1

Inclusion/integration of MLLs

After this unit the learner:

  1. will learn about how MLLs are both separated and integrated into daily instruction at schools
  2. will understand how SLIFE students are integrated into daily instruction
  3. will understand best practices for including MLLs in their classrooms
  4. will understand what forms of assessments MLLs take to determine their level of English proficiency
  5. will begin to reflect on their own classrooms and MLL integration within

Unit 2

Language Learning Anxiety

After this unit the learner:

  1. will be able to recognize signs and symptoms of language learning anxiety in MLLS
  2. will identify best practices for fostering an encouraging and safe learning environment
  3. will explore routines, expectations, and forms of classroom management
  4. will identify personalized interventions for individual students

Unit 3

Reading Strategies for MLLs

After this unit the learner:

  1. will understand how MLLs' reading instruction differs from native English speakers’ instruction
  2. will identify best practices for improving reading skills for MLLs
  3. will reflect on their own instruction in their current classroom setting
  4. will incorporate practices into their future instruction

Unit 4

Writing Strategies for MLLs

After this unit the learner:

  1. will understand how MLLs' writing instruction differs from native English speakers’ instruction
  2. will identify best practices for improving writing skills for MLLs
  3. will reflect on their own instruction in their current classroom setting
  4. will incorporate practices into their future instruction

Unit 5

Integrating Home Language in Content

After this unit the learner:

  1. will understand how incorporating home language can benefit MLL growth in both reading and writing
  2. will learn the best practices for doing so to lead to success
  3. will reflect on their own instruction in their current classroom setting
  4. will incorporate practices in their future instruction

Curriculum Map

References and Resources

  1. 10 tips to encourage home language - why home languages should be encouraged. POWERING POSSIBILITES. (2020, February 12). be-encouraged
  • ACCESS for ELLs. WIDA. (n.d.-a). Breiseth, L. (2019, December 19). Reading comprehension strategies for English language

    learners. Colorín Colorado. language-learners

    Colorado, C. (n.d.). Reading comprehension strategies for English language learners. AdLit.

    Corujo, J. (2023, October 29). Writing Strategies for ELL Students. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

    Elaldi, S. (2016, March 23). Foreign language anxiety of students studying English language and literature: A sample from Turkey.

    Educational Research and Reviews.

    Foreign language teaching methods: The language learner. Ways to Decrease Anxiety | Foreign Language Teaching Methods:

    The Language Learner. (n.d.).

    Gonzalez, V. (2017). ELL Friendly Classroom. School Library Journal. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    Gonzalez, V. (2022, February 28). 4 practical ways to make instruction accessible for

    multilingual learners. Edutopia. multilingual-learners/

    Huynh, T. (2022, February 9). Incorporating students’ native languages to enhance their learning. Edutopia.

    Lee, K. (2021). How Can You Ease Back-to-School Anxiety and Stress? Verywell Family. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    Leveraging language: How can students who are learning English use their home language in a personalized classroom?.

    Resources & Guidance from The Learning Accelerator. (n.d.). practice/leveraging-language-how-can-el-students-use-their-home-language-in-a-personalized-classroom

    New York State Education Department. Resource Guide: Working with MLLs/ELLs. (n.d.).

    Portland Public Schools (OR), & Colorín Colorado. (n.d.). Supporting ells in the mainstream classroom: Reading instruction.

    Reading Rockets. mainstream-classroom-reading-instruction

    Robertson, K. (2015, December 1). Improving writing skills: Ells and the joy of writing. Colorín Colorado.

    Sentence Frames 101: Supporting ELLs. (2021). The ESOL Odyssey. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    Toyama, M., & Yamazaki, Y. (2021, January 8). Classroom interventions and foreign language anxiety: A systematic review with

    narrative approach. Frontiers.

    Using ACCESS for ELLs to Promote Beneficial Outcomes for English Learners. (n.d.-b). WIDA. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    Using Word Walls for Curriculum Vocabulary. (n.d.). Scholastic. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    Wade, D. (2021). Diversity Bulletin Board Idea. Fun 365. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from

    YouTube. (2014). Peer Editing. YouTube. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from YouTube. (2019). Picture Walk Reading Strategy. YouTube. Retrieved December 4, 2023, from


    YouTube. (2022). Teachers, Try This: Incorporate Students’ Home Languages Into Your Classrooms  . YouTube. Retrieved

    December 4, 2023, from

    YouTube. (2023). 10 Daily Positive Affirmations for Kids | Boost Your Child’s Confidence and Self-Esteem. YouTube. Retrieved

    December 4, 2023, from